Message from Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
Rt. W. Brother Chandranath Mohan Wanigatunga
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master

I am pleased to send this message to the souvenir being published to commemorate the special communication being held to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka, at which the Provincial Grand Master Rt. Wor. Bro. Col. Ramalingama Harindran will be installing me as his successor.

The brethren of the Province are honored and privileged to have the distinguished presence of the Provincial Grand Master of Ireland in India, The Provincial Grand Master of South East Asia, the District Grand Master of Sri Lanka under United Grand Lodge of England, the Past Grand Master of China, the Deputy Regional Grand Master of India, Distinguished Representative from Scottish Constitution of Sri Lanka, accompanied by numerous other distinguished brethren from overseas and Sri Lanka.

We take pleasure to warmly and fraternally welcome them and thank them all for honoring our Province with their presence.

I am overwhelmed by the willing and tremendous support given by the brethren of the province, in organising these events and extend my sincere and grateful thanks to each and every one of them, for their support and also to all those who contributed in various ways.

A special thank you and a warm welcome to all our non-masonic guests attending the banquet. We do appreciate very much their gracious presence, which will add color and glamour to the occasion.

Rt. W. Brother Chandranath Mohan Wanigatunga,
Honorary Past Grand Superintendent of Works,
Provincial Grand Master,
Provincial Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka.

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